Design your candle lighting kit.
Choose the letter font style, name color & enter the name. Bookman Upper case shown. Joined script is all connected & is an extra $20 set up.
The amount of candles will adjust your final price.
Select how many candles. Then pick your base top color for the two-tiered base. Then select your ribbon edges for the edge trim on your base top Pick the colors for the Star of David or 5 pointed stars for the ends of the base.
Tip: Select a different color for your letters so they will stand out from the base.
Approx. dimensions: 30"-36" long x 8" wide 15" tall.
Assembly required. Approx. Assembly Time: 30 minutes
Click here for the video to see how easy it is to assembly your board.
Skill Level: Beginner
Email or call us with any questions, custom fonts or designs.
Product Information: Included are all the needed supplies and detailed instruction sheets We do the prep work, no painting required. The basic tools you will need are a glue glue, yard stick or straight edge for lining up the letters, scissors and a pair of latex gloves to keep the glitter off your hands.
Use this Board for the Candle Lighting Ceremony for your child's Sweet 16, Quinceanera, Bat or Bat Mitzvah. Order it without candles and use it as a name board for display at the party.
Awesome Event Centerpieces & Decorations Is An Event Planners Dream Come True! We Are A One Stop Shop For Your Event Decorations. You Will Find That We Are Cost Effective And Offer A Large Variety Of Stock Designed Theme Centerpieces And Candle Lighting Boards That Are Easy-To-Assemble. If You Are Creative And Want To Do Something Custom, We Stock A Full Line Of Centerpieces Supplies. We Carry Styrofoam& Foam Board Cut Out Themed Shapes. We Also Have Individual Letters & Numbers. Here We Consult And Create Custom centerpieces, And Offer Our Extensive Customer Base, Hassle Free, With Amazing Service And Quality Every Time.
If you have any questions about a product your order or have questions about our product, fill out the details below or email: dpfgood@gmail.com
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